Snežana Klasović-Djordjević:


The writer presents to public an intimate history told in clearly defined language, sometimes willfully sugar coated, to inspire reader to learn secrets of heart discreetly since it’s something you don’t give away easily. Stories in the book The Pattern and Kant are destiny and reality preserved in the gist of language and thought, marked by simplicity of surmounted moment, after the decision sense has made about the past — not to take it too seriously. Nevertheless, emotions bring us back to that past. And then the feeling that an individual or a minority couldn’t change much comes again. However, he could tell and get a load of lived through, suffered off his mind, and eventually put it straight. Each story expresses an extract of intimacy both similar and different to any other destiny, but it is always useful in moments of calm reflection. Previous Nešićs books also reflect the history of that intimacy; kept from resolving dilemmas by myriad of circumstances, no matter if they have family or political character. After each book you read there is a comforting fact that the writer as a sensible, educated and communicative being has resolved it within himself and rendering it to paper set his mind at ease while sowing seeds of doubt in others who still have to find a solution, he unsettles them, makes them reflect and even feel repellentness toward themselves. This feedback bothers author and initial expectation that through the written he will set himself free from the burden of words is denied by social conduct and he becomes reticent and creates more fierce and daring literary works. He realizes, in easy conscience that he has done everything right, but that is the destiny of authors in social milieu unable to see or hear. Within his unrest and desires, strivings and explorations, pondering on problems — those labyrinths of intimate history — from solitary reflecting, through the sound of typewriter and finalized book the author penetrates minds of increasing number of readers who accept him, and there is a reason why.

(Translated by Prendić Dubravka

prendicd@eunet.yu )

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